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  • For Mothers

    Moms: You’re not alone.

    Whether your dream has always been to have children, or you’ve been contemplating whether or not to have more children, or you have children… and it’s NOTHING like you imagined…

    You’re in the right place!

    In addition to working with women who are focused on high-achieving career goals, I also help women find balance in motherhood and personal life. And, let’s be real: there’s no career more challenging than being a mother.

    Motherhood is the ULTIMATE career!


    After my daughters were born I was a “stay-at-home-domestic-engineer-extraordinaire” for a few years before re-entering the workforce. I was also raised in a family and culture where women making their career – the family – was highly celebrated.

    Both of my daughters were born pre-maturely and we spent the beginning of each of their lives living in the hospital for weeks. This experience taught me the many complexities and variations of motherhood. It doesn’t always go how we plan!

    Whatever your path, it’s YOUR path.
    It can be overwhelming to navigate without support. It’s easy to get caught up in comparing ourselves to other moms (like when my 9 year old daughter brought home the most adorable, hand-crafted, paper unicorn valentine from her classmate – yes – even with the YEARS of therapy and personal development work I’ve done for myself – I still felt a pang of “mom-guilt” since I sent store-bought valentines from a jumbo pack for my daughter’s classmates.)

    Whether you’re suffering from serious depression or anxiety symptoms, or just stress and overwhelm, my mission is to help other women improve their confidence, live guilt-free, peaceful, calm lives. Everyone needs support – especially us mothers!

    Click here for a complimentary phone consultation! Hope to hear from you soon.