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  • Upgrade in the New Decade: Drop the Resolutions. SHE has the Solution. 

    By Keisha Langolf, LCSW

    You’ve heard all the buzz.

    2020 is upon us. It’s that time-the time to review and reflect on the previous year, the previous decade.

    Set new goals and resolutions—or just carry over the ones from last year, if you even remember what they were. It’s time for that little dance inside our heads.

    You know the one. There’s a sense of relief that we can start anew, start over, the anticipation and hope swirling around with the disappointment that we came up short, not the progress we had hoped for.

    Or perhaps the opposite is true. Perhaps you have knocked the last year, the last decade out of the park and feel super proud of yourself-enter from stage left, the fear of losing it all or the nagging “what’s next?” feeling. And the dance continues. So much pressure, I know. I feel it too.

    Except now I have 10 more years of knowledge, experience, trial and error to rely on. Now, I have clear answers, solutions, intentions. I have THE WAY.

    And it is my purpose and my calling to share it with the world!.

    When I reflect on my life 10 years ago, I barely recognize that girl. So much can happen in an instant, a day, a year, let alone a whole decade! 

    There’s been the GOOD-I’ve maintained a strong marriage, two healthy kiddos, building a biz around my true purpose, meeting new people and finding my tribe, setting healthy boundaries, buying a beautiful home, becoming physically and mentally healthier, lots of personal and spiritual growth. The good has been REALLY, REALLY good!

    The BAD-Loss…deaths, loss of friends and family connections, financial loss. Letting go of people, places, old habits that kept me stuck or were just downright toxic. Yes. There’s been some crying in the closet (Meg), crying in the car rider line (me), crying on my love’s shoulder (both of us). The “growing pains” were not EASY. I definitely took the long and twisty road to get to my GOOD.

    And the UGLY-The depression that led to my inability to function. The anxiety that led to migraines, numbness, and autoimmune issues. The helpless feeling I have when I see people get hurt or who are hurting. My excessive weight gain. Feeling like a failure. The trying, trying, trying again, just to find the solution to all my problems, so I could smile and REALLY mean it. 

    Because I KNEW, deep in my soul that there was more-more experiences to enjoy, more love to give and receive, more people to serve, I refused to give up. I kept getting up, falling, getting up, falling, taking a step forward, stumbling. Until I finally figured it all out. The secret to living a happy life. And it was there the whole time, stumbling right along with me. I finally got to meet my inner Self. My TRUE Self. And she is divine. And she is worthy. And she is love and light and good and perfect. And fun and magnetic and hilarious (even if my husband disagrees!). 

    And, guess what, my lovely. You, too, have access to ALL of this. You ARE ALL of this and more. 

    So, you may be wondering what this means for you in 2020 and in the new decade. It’s this: You get to have it all!

    Surrender the list of resolutions and set this one intention: I will make it my goal to meet and connect with mySELF. And, I promise, the rest will come.

    Meg and I have found that we were going about things all the wrong way. We were making it so much harder than it had to be and spending so much time, money, and energy on finding the answers in all the wrong places. And so were many of our clients. 

    Here’s what we know doesn’t work:

    • When I lose that extra 30 pounds, then I will be more confident
    • When I get that promotion or degree or status, then I will feel like enough
    • When I quit drinking, then I will feel loveable
    • When I marry that man, then I will feel secure
    • When I move into that neighborhood, then I will feel successful
    • When I buy those shoes, handbag, or drive that car, then I will love my life
    • When I run that 5K, then I will feel good about myself

    And the list goes on. Don’t get me wrong, these are all great goals, accomplishments, and will make you feel good. But that feeling will not last. And limiting beliefs about yourself, your insecurities, your feelings of brokenness WILL come back. 

    Here’s the deal. Let’s get excited for 2020! Because Meg and I have a Solution for you! We are going to show you how to connect to yourSELF, find your happiness, joy, confidence, peace, love from WITHIN. And all of those other things on your list will come. Naturally. Easily. 

    SHE is going to introduce you to the practice of Meditation. We will share with you how this simple technique can connect you to all the things you desire. Over the course of the next couple of weeks, we will be debunking the myths, answering your questions regarding Meditation, educating you on how to start, what to do, what to know, and give the lowdown on how it REALLY helps. 

    Set this ONE intention and join us. You deserve this. You are ready and 2020 is your year!

    You’ve got nothing to lose! Just Strength, Healing and Empowerment to gain!

    If you are interested in learning more, stay tuned. Like, share, subscribe, and follow us on Instagram @warriorwithshe, Facebook @shecounselingandcoaching, YouTube @ SHE Counseling & Coaching, or visit our website at


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